Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Term Limit Discussion

 Back in 2017, prior to the German national election.....someone did a poll....asking if folks wanted a change in Chancellor (meaning Merkel wasn't on the ballot) and roughly two-thirds of Germans readily agreed. Today, via Focus.....I noticed another poll (the Civey Institute did it for Spiegel) which asked if Merkel had stayed too long as Chancellor. 

Public opinion? 65 percent said yes.....too long in the job (basically the same numbers as in 2017). Even 49-percent of CDU voters agreed with the idea, with 86-percent of FDP voters and 66-percent of SPD voters. 

When asked in the poll....twenty-three percent said there ought to be a limit of two terms (five years each) for Chancellor. 

Nearly half the polled said that a limit of two terms (four years each) ought to be norm. 

They aren't saying they want to fire Merkel or shove her out the door....just that things needed a change after eight to ten years. The idea of a Constitutional change? 

It gets discussed once in a while but with the current CDU-CSU-SPD crowd....it's not going to happen. The idea of just voting for a different person for Chancellor? Well.....the party tells your choice, and you look over the person.....then kinda shake your head because they really aren't that thrilled or hyped-up over the new offering. 

The only observation I can make here....whatever was felt in 2017....is still there and lingering. Two-thirds of German society want something different but can't readily find it. 

I will offer this opinion as well...probably two-thirds of German society, if asked, would admit they are a bit tired of political theatrics from the past couple of years and would just appreciate the Bundestag being shut down for six month out of the year. What the public forums off ARD or ZDF would feature in this 'quiet-period'? Unknown....maybe vegan dinner ideas, or pumpkin pie recipes.

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