Thursday, September 21, 2023

Asylum Story

 For about three months, I've been following a rape case here in Görlitzer Park (east side of Berlin).

Basic facts....three guys 'allegedly' raped a woman in the city park.  

Charges came up late yesterday with a few added facts (some which people suspected already).

A footnote....this particular park is widely known in Berlin and throughout Germany as a addict's park.....anything you can buy there.  Cops don't really patrol or enforce much.

What the cops say of the three?  Local drug dealers.  Charges now?  Common rape, grievous bodily harm and aggravated robbery. 

So the main player of the three?  A Somalia guy (apparently DNA evidence sufficient for easy conviction).  Cops injected.....the guy has a  unknown address, and in their history of dealing with him....he's given 10 different fake identities. 

His German visa?  Expired.....he's been in the country 7 years.  

The two friends of his?  From Guinea. Same deal...enough DNA evidence for conviction.  One guy has been here for 6.5 years and has 4 different fake identities.  Rejected permit to be in the country. 

Third guy?  Criminal record: illegal possession of drugs and assault. He was also rejected for asylum.

The discussion will come up and it's going to put added pressure on Scholz's coalition....all of these characters with failed asylum applications, and still in the country.  

It is somewhat of a drama playing out....where the general public notices things that get them hyped-up and they see virtually no 'fix' going on by the state or federal government.  

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