Thursday, September 14, 2023

Bar Story

 There was a pub in Wiesbaden that I often frequented for the past decade.  Small place....decent cook.....outdoor seating.  

The lease came up and the owner of the building wanted a rent increase.  The old guy running the pub said 'no', and as of two months ago....shut down the pub.  

The owner of the building?  He's still looking for new renter.

I walked by yesterday.  Big sign on the structure...'For Rent'.  

The problem trends for the past five years have been crap in the city.  If you ran a's a hard lifestyle and your business model from back in 2013....won't work today.

I walked around the corner, and there's a big-name shoe shop that has existed for twenty years at it's location.....big sign on the front....closure coming at the end of the month.  Same situation....crappy trend and high cost on rent.  

On down the street....another sign identifying closure at the end of September.  Same story.

There are three prime shop fronts which have been empty since 2019 there in the middle of the Wiesbaden shopping district.  I walk by and just shake my head.  Each had long-term operations existing, and then they came to an end.  Zero interest now.

There's a major department store which shut down three months ago in the 'heart' of the district.  Odds of it being filled....ever again?  It's marginal.

It's a sad trend....if you ask me.

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