Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Next War?

 Over on the far east side of Turkey, you will notice a small county....of Armenia.  It's about 50 miles by 100 miles....population of 2.8-million.

On the other side (eastern front) of Armenia is Azerbaijan (maybe 150 by 200 miles, and a population of 10-million).  I should note Azerbaijan is mostly Muslim, and lately....Turkey has funded some military build-up.  

So there's been interesting developments, and people seem to believe that a war is about to occur.

Russian involvement?  Well....yeah, some special forces for Russia have been noted in Armenia, and there's some rumor that Iran has sent 'some' forces into Azerbaijan (might be mostly BS).

Any oil or wealth involved?  No. 

On a scale for a Ukraine-like war?  Well....I don't think the Russians see any great reason to be there....other than establishing a 'line-in-the-sand'. 

Any reason for NATO to be involved?  Only if Russian did some stupid stuff on the far western border of Armenia against the Turkish border. 

On some drama scale?  It's just hard to see anything fought over a place smaller than the Netherlands (in size).  

The fact that Armenia is only 500-odd miles from the Ukraine war-zone?  Yeah, that might be a factor.  

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