Wednesday, September 20, 2023

What Is The Eritrean 'Problem' In Germany About?

 Three states in Germany have an abundance of the general population (figured in the 85,000 range of Eritrean people who left the homeland).....Hessen, NRW and Bavaria.  There might be pockets in the other 13 states but it's minor compared to these three.

So, you go back to Eritrea and ask.....why leave?  General answer?  One-party state, fairly blunt about criticism of the gov't, and a marginal economy.  

Whoever arrived in the past decade....fell into two categories....mostly (99-percent) anti-Eritrean government, and the 2nd category.....being somewhat pro-Eritrean and likely having some support from gov't back there.

These pockets of former Eritreans have forged local associations and have 'functions/fests' to keep the community focused.  Some of the pockets might be anti-regime....some might be pro-regime....but you can't be sure of anything much.

My prospective....generally, the German police didn't grasp this dividing line or worry about the pro-Eritrean movement.  

The suggestion that some sponsorship of the pro-Eritrean group?  This story goes around and makes suggestions, but you can't assess if true or not.

German opinion......lot of Germans just see it as a violence 'gimmick' and Eritreans might need more integration, or find a way to resettle elsewhere. 

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