Friday, August 28, 2020

Another Ban Rule

My local town (Wiesbaden, 293k in population).....made a new rule up....applies as of today.  It's another Covid-19 ban rule. 

As you pause and wait for a bus at city need to wear the mask.  It was mandated when riding buses or trains, or when passing through the train-station.  So just standing there at out-door bus got to wear it now. 

A big deal?  Well....depending on where you are could be standing there 20 to 30 minutes.  With rain or ice as an item, you need that cover while waiting.  So it'll just challenge you a bit more with patience. 

Standing off to the side?  I'm guessing half of all bus riders will probably stand a good twenty to thirty feet away from the bus-stop in the future....avoiding the mask deal. 

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