Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Corona Testing Chatter

It is kinda funny, yet kinda serious as well.

Last weekend, the mandated Covid-19 test came up in enter the country and admit you did come through or pass a Covid-19 'hot-zone' had to take the free test at the border.

So yesterday (Wed), the Bavarian government had to admit to this one problem from the weekend tests.  44k tests conducted, 900 folks positive, and as of late yesterday (Wed)....the Bavarian 'system' had still NOT alerted people to the test results. 

Yes, Huns and Gertie had returned home (probably Saturday evening)....sat there in the heat sipping a beer on the patio, and safely thought they were 'ok'.  And by Tuesday morning, with no alert message....believed in their 'heart of hearts'....they were ok.  Sometime on Thursday (God-willing), they will get the results. 

Focus brought up this whole story, and how the Premier-President of Bavaria had to cancel a trip because things seem pretty screwed-up in Bavaria with this mandated testing business.  (Note, he's the guy that demanded that autobahn testing be mandated.)

Gazing over the ask is this so screwed up?  Well....the answer is that the data and information has to be entered by hand.  No one says how many data-input people are involved in this, but with 44k probably needs to be at least forty folks (figure around 20 data records per hour, if you had competent and able-bodied typists).  All of the positive test results should have been shuffled off to one or two dedicated typists, and sent out within four hours of the test result. 

Curiously, as you read over the story.....most of the positive-test folks were on the Autobahn A3 (Passau).  Where they came from?  No one knows.  I might make a guess here....that they were driving up from Turkey and returning home.

Where this is going to lead onto?  I would suggest two things.  One....this cost factor (with more input data people) is going up.   Two....these 900 positive folks had five-plus days to spread the disease around, and probably infect at least two or three additional the value of this test at the border is questionable. 

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