Monday, August 10, 2020

SPD Chancellor Candidate

Based on comments made yesterday by the SPD Party chief (Esken), the SPD candidate for Chancellor in the fall election of 2021 is Olaf Scholz (currently the Finance Minister and the vice-Chancellor). 

Not a lot of shock....some people felt there would be more of a competition, and that simply wasn't going to be the case.

Pros and cons?  He has no scandals.  He did an average job as mayor of Hamburg (the riot mess occurred during his period but no one can blame him for much).  He has done an fair to good job as the Finance Minister.  On the dislike scale for most folks.....there's not a lot to dislike. 

I think what most would say....he's 'low-key'....without a lot of hype or thrills.

So here's the path ahead.....over the past year, the party has been mostly around 16-percent.  In the 2017 election, the SPD Party and Schulz (their candidate) did marginally well....around 20.5-percent. 

The Green Party this time around?  Well, they have been able to hit near 20 to 24 percent in polling, before Covid-19 came along.  Lately, they are back to the 15 to 18 percent in polling. 

If the 2021 fall election did not involve Covid-19 or economic worries....I'd tip the hat toward the Greens to carry in the 25-to-30 percent range.  But they have no real traction with economic issues or the Coronavirus.   I think it's possible they will stumble along and come back to the 2017 level (9-percent). 

All said and done, the only shocker is that they didn't open up the competition game and allow more excitement. 

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