Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Worry Over Mass Transit

We are probably three to four weeks away from fall-weather, and the German authorities are now a bit worried over what will happen to mass transit, with the Covid-19 virus around.

Focus discussed the whole matter indepth, and its worth a read.

There is this belief (whether valid or not) that for the past six months, people found alternate methods instead of using buses and subways/trains.  But as the weather changes...the experts believe that the consumers will return to mass transit, and the numbers for infection will bounce up (more people riding in tight spaces).

The mask business saving us all? 

Well, the authorities don't have what you'd call as a policy for mass transit (Germany-wide).  The mask-rule is basically the final don't ride mass transit without it.

Bringing the ban rule back to force companies to allow employees more time at home?  Basically, that's the key thing which might occur over the next month.  My wife (German) had for two months a flexible home office one week at week at the office, and then repeat. 

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