Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Wedding-Covid Story

Around two weeks ago....there was a wedding party for a newly married Wiesbaden couple.  The party ended up being held in Mainz-Mombach.  Location-wise....it's a suburb of Mainz....far to the NW, on the Mainz side of the river, and directly across from Wiesbaden.

Roughly a hundred guests end up there at this reception hall/catering operation.  Generally, with the Pfalz rules in effect....you have to maintain Covid-19 sanitation rules, and limit guests.  You also have to keep a list of attendees. 

Well....nothing much worked as directed.  At this point, eighteen folks are infected, and another 35 folks are in some form of quarantine. 

So here's the thing....the couple and the in-laws running this....haven't been cooperative on providing a listing of guests.  This reached a point with the Wiesbaden Health Director getting involved, and it's turned into a fairly direct situation.

The threat of fines?  Well, that's the next point in this entire game.  Why the lack of detail on attendees or giving names?  No one can make a clear statement on this. 

The sad thing about this whole 'game'.....you end up with adults attending this celebration....coming home, and possibly infecting their kids or neighbors, so in a matter of a ten-day period....one single guy could infect a dozen folks. 

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