Friday, August 7, 2020

The 50-Percent Discussion

A poll was done in Germany and what one in two Germans said was.....they want stricter conditions over Covid-19 situations.  Yes, whatever rules are in place today....aren't strict enough.  N-TV brought up this topic and its an interesting discussion.

It's safe to say that around 10 to 15 percent of Germans are anti-ban rule and anti-regulation right now.  These are the people showing up for demonstrations and questioning the governmental authority.

Could the federal or state governments go further?

They could halt all travel into the 'hot zones' and halt vacation travel beyond the German border.

They could require masks on public streets or in public parks.

They could take kids out of homes that one of the parents show a positive on the Corona test. 

They could require daily testing of teachers. 

They could shut down all bars and pubs, until further notice.

I'm guessing that the 50-percent group desiring more stringent measures would agree with most of these ideas.

Politically, I would suspect some folks are worried that this small anti-ban rule group might expand and take up 20 to 30 percent of the voting public, and become an issue in 2021. 

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