Saturday, August 8, 2020

On-Time Chatter

There was an interesting short story on ZDF (public TV, Channel Two) this morning....talking over the on-time schedule of German trains.

In relationship with the S-Bahn system (the inner-city railway system across the country).....they are now considered on-time at a 90-percent level.  The standard to be 'late'?  If you arrive six minutes or's certified as 'late'.

They even pointed out that Rostock (in the far NE) ran a 99-percent level of being on time. 

One of the side notes that ZDF pointed out.....roughly 9-billion Euro a year flows into the Bahn system, on top of ticket continue safety, rail improvement and reliability programs.

This is one of the major positives of living in a metropolitan area of Germany....the subway and rapid-rail system actually does work, and it's awful rare that a accident occurs. 

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