Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Terror 'Attack'?

So I'll lay out the eight basic facts to this terror attack in the Berlin area....reported today by ARD news (public TV, Channel One):

1.  This was a 30-year old Iraq guy holding a temp German visa.....having failed the application process, he was supposed to return to Iraq.  In country, since 2016. 

2.  His initial attack was upon two Germans on motorcycles (hitting them with his vehicle), and later hitting an Opel car.  All total....six individuals hurt....three of them badly.

3.  When finally stopped by the police....he put some type of metal box on the roof of the car, and hinted in some way of it being a 'bomb'.  Police later, it wasn't a bomb.

4.  The guy did utter 'Allah Akbar', and witnesses did hear the statement.

5.  He was NOT under the German watch list.

6.  The German police have several records on the guy...mostly for assault.  It does NOT appear that he has done any real jail-time for his problems in the past.

7.  Charges?  If you look at local comments from Berlin....they suggest he will be up for attempted murder.  These charges, usually with just one count.....would be a sentence between one and ten years.  Multiple counts?  Unknown.

8.  Finally....if you look at the police commentary, multiple local sources, and journalists who've talked to folks who knew him.....most classify the guy as a 'bit crazy' (using my interpretation).

Based on all of'll be six months before a court hearing occurs, and several examinations on his mental condition.  I don't think the judge will handle the attempted assault/murder case, and instead.....just lock the guy up permanently.

The jihad angle to this?  Mostly non-existent.  If you got a nutcase who gets all hyped up....he's still a nutcase no matter how you tell this story.

If anything negative.....this will draw attention back to the idea of failed applicants being quickly moved out of Germany, and back to their original site.

Bottom line?  I don't think I'd call it a terror was just another nutcase on the loose.

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