Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Bad Wildungen/Edertal

 I spent a long weekend (3 days) up in northern Hessen....in the Edertal/Bad Wildungen region.  

Edertal is where the famous German dam was located in 1943....blown up by the British, and has been re-constructed.  

Bad Wildungen?  It's an odd spa/wellness town from the 1800s.  After WW II, it became a 'kur' town for a while and today has a major medical recovery facility.  

I ended up at a hotel which was mostly designed as a 'for senior citizens' operation. You punch a button for the elevator, and it takes twice as long for it to arrive.  You step in, and the door stayed open for a full 90 seconds before it closed.

If you wanted a full-up weekend, with quiet/safe surroundings....I'd advocate the area for a visit.  

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