Sunday, May 21, 2023

What Happens When the AfD Party Reaches 20-Percent?

 This weekend, polling indicates nationally in Germany....that the AfD Party is polling around 17-percent.  

The Alternative For Deutschland Party started out as an anti-Euro was their only real position, and oddly enough....probably five to eight percent of the German public found agreement with this one-issue party.  

Around three years into existence, with 2014's massive migration episode developing in Germany....a group arrived at a party meeting, and maneuvered the party to have a second position/topic....anti-migrant/anti-immigrant.  In a matter of roughly two hours....the party had been taken over, and the original crew were dismissed (fairly angry at how this was arranged).

AfD then became this hard negative point in German politics.  All of the other parties took a position against them....suggesting that they needed to be monitored or be put under surveillance. 

In some ways, they are a ongoing comedy act....with around 50-percent of the power-players going into some Mussolini-type act when speaking on topics.

Up until 2020....they stayed a one-or-two topic political party.  Under Covid?  They were anti-mandate, which got more attention across Germany.

Since the fall 2021 election?  I'd say that the SPD-Green-FDP coalition has drawn a fair number of criticisms....with AfD continuing to get attention, and gaining in the polls.

What happens at the 20-percent point (I'm predicting this by the end of 2023)?  I suspect that SPD folks start to worry about state elections and the approaching fall 2025 election (not that far away).  

If you think building a coalition government is difficult now....go try to imagine the AfD in second place and having something in the 22-point range.  The CDU/CSU folks might win, but trying to walk into coalition talks with the SPD and Greens as your partner?  You'd downsize your goals, and provide more criticism from the general public.

A lot of this poll maneuvering....due to inflation, mandate-chatter, and poor optics from the current government?  Well....yeah.

But trying to grasp this, and resolving problems in a simplistic way....isn't likely to happen.  

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