Saturday, May 6, 2023

Five German News Stories

 1.  Shocker on frontpage of WELT this morning.....lot of hype over ill health triggered by Covid vaccinations.  They aren't holding back over criticisms.

2.  Last Generation activists were at the BER airport yesterday....cutting the security fence, and going out to some private spray-paint them.  Accusation is that the private owners don't need them.  

3.  Kinda funny.....there was a long dispute over some Benin (Africa) art pieces that Germany held, and accusations that they'd been 'stolen'.  Germans felt some 'pain', and eventually offered a deal....paying for a art museum in Nigeria (cost, around five to ten million Euro).  

Well....this week, after the Benin bronze pieces were returned.....Germany figured out that they weren't going to be in the museum they built.  Apparently, the Nigerians sold them to a private art dealer.  

4.  N-TV carried a piece on President Biden this AM....with some press conference from yesterday....Biden said he carried a big advantage being older....that he was much wiser in his years.  Using this logic, the German Chancellor job ought to always be some person who is 80 to 100 years old.

5.  What is the Graichen affair?  Well....Habeck (vice Chancellor and Economics Minister) has hired a number of people who are personal friends of government jobs.  It's openly discussed now....daily basis.  It's a thing that most Germans condemn as wrong (in terms of ethics).  

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