Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Seven Things I'm Negative About On Germany

 1.  With all the apps and technology for bus and rail service....there's tons of data now available (if it's late....they tell you, if this train is usually overly crowded....they tell you, all of this coming to your smart-phone).  

The thing is....the lateness factor and the cancelled factor continue on.....not resolving the key issue of lateness.

2.  Beggars.  Compared to the 1980s.....there's probably 500-percent more beggars existing on the streets today....than in 1983.

3.  Renovation of road and streets....now take a minimum of 12 months, and in a lot of cases....three years.

4.  This bottle deposit business has reached a point where it's about a one-in-three chance that you arrive with forty-odd bottles to return for deposit, and the machine either malfunctions, or the container is full and requiring a replacement.

5.  It seems like every six months.....there's another complicated mandate/regulation created out of thin air, and it requires my wife to spend at least an hour reading up on it, and then explaining to me the illogical sequence.

6.  This is 50-percent a problem with my wife, and 50-percent a problem with the garbage guys.....my wife (German in nature) believes I'm screwing up on what goes in can-X, can-Y, and can-Z.  All of this hassle, because the garbage guys on rare occasions audit the cans.

7.  About 40-percent of the autobahn toilets are 1-star in cleanliness and sanitation.  The rest?  You pay 1-Euro for each visit.  

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