Friday, May 19, 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  Focus had a piece this AM talking about heat-pumps.  So this German lady from Passau (heart of Bavaria) had gone to the new technology, and installed the heat-pump at her house.  

Seven weeks had passed since day one....she checked her electric meter.  Cost at the seven week point?  What she would have traditionally had for one entire year.  

I would imagine the technicians set the system to run on a continual basis....but so far, there's not been a true audit.  What the story does lead to....inadequate insulation suggestion for the gal's house.  If you had an average insulation situation (like 90-percent of German homes)....the heat-pump isn't the perfect solution for heat/cooling. 

This will end up drawing attention and making the mandate for the heat-pump a question-mark.

2.  Some new 'trick' used for the Last Generation activists yesterday.  After the protest group had gotten vehicles stopped....they applied glue to their hands, and then climbed underneath a SUV.....attaching the glue hand to the driveshaft.  'Lift' vehicle was required at that point to allow access to the police to remove the hand.

3.  Interesting twist to the Turkish election (comes this weekend)....the anti-Erdogan candidate has come out and said he wants all refugees in Turkey to pack up and return home.  Attracting ultra-right crowd.

4.  Finally, there's rumors of other problem newly hired people within the Economics Ministry (run by the Green Party).  May be BS, but journalists are looking over the stories. 

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