Friday, May 26, 2023

What If You Don't Have Data?

 I read a short piece in WELT this appears that the German federal 'boss' in charge of the Anti-Discrimination Commission....doesn't have data to really invent new laws.  

There's been some public statement by the commission now.....that they want  German companies to 'inventory' (audit) their find out how diverse they really are.

Sort of say?  Well.....yeah....there's  already laws in place to forbid this type of database or collection of personal data.

It's sort of a funny position to be in....because you'd like to protect people over their diverse nature, but if you can't prove there's an can't invent a law.

Where this effort or inventory was going?  It's not clear.

I would imagine they want your pronoun information.....your sexual preferences (maybe bondage or fantasy roleplay).....maybe your pay-scale. 

The problem I see here.....Germans have a public life and a private life.  Work is the public side.....with most not mixing/matching their situation.

If the commission can't develop a database?  Well....they can't invent problems out of thin air.  This will be curious to watch developments.  

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