Wednesday, June 12, 2024

12 June 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1.  Frankfurt cops (reported by HR, here) say they arrested a 19-year old Afghan guy, after he stabbed some 41-year old Ukrainian gal sitting on a park bench (Monday afternoon).  She's seriously wounded but alive.

Motive?  Unknown.  Just odd....he is a resident of no explanation on what he was doing in Frankfurt.

2.  I was reading over Focus and they brought up this pub guy who is running a beer-garden for the European soccer championship...starting shortly.

He needs people to serve tables....willing to pay 18-Euro per hour, and can't get people to apply.  Most are saying that 'no one wants to work'.

To be honest, if you had a weak/zero resume....18-Euro an hour isn't bad work.  Affecting those who want to spend 2 hours watching a game and sipping beer.

3.  In the middle of some moderator talk (public TV) Sunday night....some SPD Party guy referred to the AfD Party gal in the studio as a 'Nazi'.  This apparently is going to be dragged out as a insult situation.  Hard to see if it's a legit legal complaint.  

I would imagine that the judges are shaking their a non-political situation, this probably would be a insult problem and get you a fine.

4.  Extreme heat to hit Greece/Turkey in next couple of days (45 C/ 113 F).  

5.  Some kind of attack in the Saarbrucken area...onboard a train.  Turkish guy, 31....apparently stabbed a German guy (age 21) in the neck.  No motive given.  German guy alive....just seriously wounded.

The two...strangers? far the police haven't found a connection....just a bad moment where the older guy went 'nuts'.

6.  Focus had a curious piece (here) headlining things this AM....there's going to be a investigation to unfold (probably taking a full-year).

What is odd here....local politicians in North Rhine-Westphalia state reacting to the story that a mafia-boss who handle luxury goods smuggling....admits his guys work to bring 'rich' Chinese into Germany (since 2015).  They figure around 350 have been in this effort.

The curious piece to this?  There were fictitious investor models and investment plans created....from which....most just disappeared later.  The politicians?  They either were awful stupid, or were drawn into the situation for approval (for some kind of bribe).

The odds that this gang was just one of several operating in Germany?  I would probably go and wonder if there weren't a dozen smuggling operations around the country....getting entry papers and approval for some type of visa.

7.  Some interview done with the Danish PM after that 'attack' on the street from 10 days ago.  She feels better (whiplash is mentioned), but has some PTSD-like symptoms.  

The guy in the attack?  Polish 39-year old guy....who the cops are fairly sure....he was either 'high' or drunk. 

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