Monday, June 24, 2024

Soda Tax Chatter?

 Several German states (Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, Thuringia and Saarland) are pursuing a federal policy of a sugar-soda tax.

A Munich university sat down and did a study.....saying if there was a national soda tax....over a 20-year'd raise 16-billion Euro.  

What the tax amounts to?  The chatter suggest 20-percent.   Currently, for the BIG bottle of Coke, it generally runs around 1.84 Euro (when on sale).  If you did the 20-percent add-on?  2.21 Euro.  

So would that halt people from  consuming sugar sodas?  No.....I don't buy into this logic.  

Oh, I agree....the government would make 16-billion  Euro EXTRA over 20 years, but they'd just convince people to pay the extra and tax income would not even be noticed after six months of implementation.

Will they press forward on this?  I'm pretty sure by spring of 2025....the tax will be added.  

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