Sunday, June 16, 2024

16 June 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  “Looks like a sh#thole” was the quote that went around Germany a visiting Brit soccer fan arrived in the Gelsenkirchen area.  

The social media comment has disturbed a fair number of Germans.  

I'll just say that you can drive around the UK, Germany and most all of Europe....and find crappy neighborhoods and areas.  

2.  The eastern Germany segment of the CDU Party has given notice to the national folks....that they might be willing in state contests (if they were to win)....that they would consider building coalitions with the new BSW Party (definitely left-of-center).

To be honest, in any eastern Germany least right would find the CDU Party in 2nd place (behind AfD).

3.  INSA (the polling organization) did a national poll and it shows several million voters that came to the Green Party in 2019....have dropped away now.

4.  Tragic event in Wolmirstedt (about 30 min east of Hanover)...there were three people attacked/wounded at a European Championship party on Friday evening.  What the cops say...some Afghan guy went crazy at a prior situation with a house-mate (having stabbed this guy)....then left to encounter these three.  The house-mate?  He's dead.

The 23-year old Afghan with the knife?  Cops ended up on the scene and shot him dead.

Police are examining motivation....nothing religious can be suggested.  Just seems like the guy was mentally unbalanced.  

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