Friday, June 28, 2024

France Election

 The first of the legislative elections....occurs this Sunday.  Any party that gets over 12.5-percent....goes to the second round....7 July.

From would appear that Le Pen's party will take a minimum of 37-percent.  Two additional parties will meet the reach 7 July's contest.

The real hype right now?  Well....there's a song that came out in the past month...'Ja Partira pas'.....which translates over to 'I won't leave, you will go'.  On TikTok....the song has taken off and is a anti-migrant song.  

The one odd part of this Sunday's election?  It's gotten a lot of attention and some say that highest number of voters in 30 years will show up, and you might add a couple of percent onto Le Pen's numbers (maybe getting to 40-percent).

All of this leading to a big deal? the past month, it's accepted now that Macron's party has lost favor and will be in third place (at best).

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