Thursday, June 13, 2024

Does Covid-Masking Still Occur In Germany? wife drags me to three weekly grocery expeditions, and I will simply note that you still see around 1-percent of society (mostly those over sixty) who wear masks, and 1-percent of that group....will still wear gloves.

I walked out of a store this week, and noted a German at the back of their car....wiping down bought items while masked...with some kind of alcohol wipe. It still goes on.

In the summer of 2023?  I would have responded that it was close to 2-percent of the public....still playing the mask-game.  So it has decreased a good bit.

Covid gone?  Well....I noticed in regional news a health update....two new versions of Covid loose in Germany and a health warning being given.  

If you tried to bring up Covid....vast number of Germans aren't curious or interested in the discussion.

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