Thursday, June 27, 2024

Germany To Have a Covid Truth-Commission?

 Well....the SPD-coalition has agreed to the idea of some type of truth-commission to go back and discuss what went right and wrong over Covid.  

Now if you asked me....when did Covid really end in Germany....I'd say we were almost there at the end of 2022, and by spring of 2023....the mandates basically terminated.  So it's been a full-year-plus...since we discussed anything over Covid.

So there are two ideas being floated.  One where it's the general public giving their impressions or commentary to some listening-group (politicians).  The second is a pure economical/political crew....just on their own to find pluses and minuses.

Getting this done by the fall 2025 election?  Well....this is the odd part of the discussion....most of the parties (particularly the Greens) want this assessment before you get to the fed election.

My view?

First, a lot of the BS in this era....was mandated by CDU leadership (under Merkel) there might be 75-percent of this report slanted against the CDU.  This might explain why the Greens want this report before the election.

Second, if you allow rank-and-file commentary by ordinary working-class Germans....I would suggest this will be a fairly harsh and negative report in the end.

Third, might not want to admit the damage done to middle-class Germans.

Fourth, truth-commissions aren't really success stories from my view of the past fifty years across the globe.  A lot of skepticism results from these efforts.

So my final word?  There will be some type of trust-commission coming out of this,  but I wouldn't put much faith in the public trusting the final word. 

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