Friday, June 7, 2024

7 June 2024: Three German News Pieces

 1.  ARD (public TV, Channel 1) had a interesting news discussion (here)....cable car expansion in Germany.  

So the Transportation Ministry is advocating growth of cable cars as a way in major urban areas of Germany to transport people.

A plan?  No.  It seems like they are dangling potential funds....where a couple of cities could float a project and see if public interest could take off.

Locally?  Oh, I could see a Mainz-Wiesbaden cable car taking you from  mid-town Mainz to mid-town Wiesbaden, but once you suggest 5 Euro as a 'fee'....interest will dwindle.  That's the problem with the sales pitch by the Ministry folks....there's always a daily operations cost.

2.  ZDF (Channel 2, public TV in Germany) has a political show called Politbarometer, and they run polls often.  So the topic came Germany hyped-up on the EU election (this coming Sunday)?  Answer?  YES.

In fact, the polls show more interest in this EU election than any previous EU election.

Leading party....CDU-CSU with 30-percent.  2nd-place, AfD, SPD and 14-percent each.  BSW, the new party, around 7-percent.

I would say from personal perception, compared to the past two elections (2019, 2014)....there's more posters, and a LOT more TV forums.  People do seem to believe that the EU can fix  problems....which the German gov't is unable to accomplish.

3.  With cannabis now legal, the Bundestag finally came to a limit on THC....setting a 500 Euro fine if you exceed it while driving.

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