Saturday, June 8, 2024

8 June 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1.  The wife and I ended up yesterday at the street-fest in Wiesbaden....which is a 3-day event and thousands usually show up.  

What I'll say....prior to Covid, a couple could go and have a good evening on beverages and food...for about 90 Euro (to include the bus tickets into town).  I added up the cost for last night....about 125 Euro.   

Fewer people there?  Well...that was the other odd thing....I'd say it was a minimum of 10-percent fewer people there (at least from 6 to 8 PM). 

2.  Weird weather?  The max in my little valley so far in 2024....has been 25 C (77 F).  I checked out the forecast all the way through to the 21st of June, and it's mostly in the 19 to 22 C range.  It's just a unusual weather pattern.  It's at least two nights in the past week that the furnace system reached a automatic turn-on, and the radiators heated up in the house.

Usually by this point....we would have had five or six days near 30 C.  

Rainfall?  In the region, the weather guy says for was about 130-percent of normal rainfall.  

3.  There's supposed to be a budget drawn up by the SPD-led coalition within the next sixty days....for 2025.

Well....the Finance Minister (Lindner, FDP) making this a painful process, and there's talk of a collapse in the government.  Early election (instead of the fall of 2025)?  This chatter is getting to a point of being serious.

4.  Danish Prime Minister Frederiksen....assaulted by a guy on Friday evening in a square in Copenhagen.  

Limited talk on injuries.  I sense that she was banged-up a bit  but no broken bones.  Motivation of the guy?  Unknown.....cops are still reviewing things.  Won't surprise me if it were drug or alcohol involved.

5. Interesting statement this week by the Deutsche Börse (Germany's Wall Street) boss (Theodor Weimer).  He used the phrase....“A sheer catastrophe” to describe the economic path laid out by the Economics Minister Habeck (Green Party).  Fair amount of criticism.

6.  Miele, the German company that manufactures a list of high-end products.....said they are dismissing 1,300 employees (one out of nine).  

7.  If you did watch the Germany versus Greece soccer game last night....Germany won, but most analysts are saying it was crappy play and no enthusiasm on the part of the German players.

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