Monday, June 24, 2024

25 June 2024: Eleven German News Stories

 1.  I've watched probably six Euro Cup 2024 soccer games  over the past two weeks.  The one odd thing you tend to notice.....just a lot of 'reviews' of goal points, where off-sides is reviewed by the computer, and the point reversed/denied.  I've probably seen this at least eight times. 

I would suggest that this trend is infuriating fans a good bit.

2.  There's chatter in France, because of the election and financial issues anticipated after the results are announced....there will be a financial CRISIS period for August.  

I'm not saying France is in worse shape than Germany.  

3.  There's a Berlin high-school which cancelled their graduation ceremony....due to pro-Hamas stuff going on.

4.  From Sunday political chatter....some ARD interview with Chancellor Scholz....question was thrown at him....asking if he was now a burden to the SPD Party (his folks).

Pretty insulting question, but the answer is...yes....if you go to rank-and-file membership of the party.

WELT piece from Monday, suggests that some SPD Party members are recommending an early election (instead of the planned fall 2025 date).  This budget battle going taking energy out of the party at present.

5.  Budget battle within the government for 2025....Finance Minister (FDP Party member) isn't that agreeable with goals of SPD..

Break-up possibility?  It seems to be some chatter over that.

6.  First half of 2024.....11,000 German companies declare bankruptcy....30-percent above the 'norm'.

7.  How I think this BYD-Chinese-made-E-car stuff will go?

Ton of them coming into Europe and some hyped-up Chinese success coming.  Well.....I will forecast that the BYD dealers around Germany will quietly say by December....consumer interest has fallen apart.

By spring of 2025....around the ports of Hamburg....around 25,000 BYD cars will be parked and lacking a purchase order.  

The EU shift?  I'm telling you....the EU by summer of 2025.....will unhinge the mandate of E-cars, and China will standing there in a crappy situation....unable to market their cars.

8.  That knifing in Mannheim from 3 weeks ago?  Prosecutor yesterday handed down charges....attempted murder, plain murder, and bodily-harm.  

Nut-case Islamic guy?  Well...unproven yet. I'm guessing the judge will refer him to some clinic....sooner-or-later.  

9.   WELT had a report on beer consumption  lessening in Germany, and the trend (if believed) is accelerating.  

My general take?  Compared to forty years ago....Germans simply have widen their drink healthy drinks, cocktails, and wines.  Going back to 1978....I just don't remember anyone in a German pub/bar....ordering cocktail.   

10.  One thing happening this week in Germany.....the Census of 2022 will be finally published.  It's been on a continual delay situation for at least a year.  Lot of hype expected....some numbers over refugees/migrants will well rent-data.

11. One thing expected out of a RN Party win in France (if it occurs)....they say if you have dual WILL NOT have a gov't job (meaning fire, police, etc).  No one really knows the extent of this issue.

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