Sunday, August 5, 2018

24 Hours into

Well, I spent thirty minutes this morning previewing the new political creation of Sahra Wagenknecht (Linke Party chief).  The site is not really a Linke Party creation or supported by the's Wagenknecht's own 'Frankenstein'.

So the best description of a bypass-mechanism where regular people off the street are making their words known across the screen.  You get 'Huns' up for a 3-minute his summation of how things are screwed up with this property tax, or 'Ingrid' talking about the druggie culture.  In the background, music.

'Thomas' comes up and he talks about manager salaries being crazy.

'Max' comes up and he talks about affordable housing.

A guy might sit there for an hour looking at these presentations and start to ask why can't these idiots in Berlin come together to fix this one single problem. 

There are some issues here because the solutions tossed out there.....might actually trigger a secondary problem to occur.  Cost factors?  They usually lead to more taxes. 

For the next month, I think that will be driving a number of chat forums in Germany.

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