Saturday, August 11, 2018

Merkel's Comments on the EU

I looked at Focus magazine this a short 12-line piece.

Basically, Chancellor Angela Merkel did some interview and said that the current and ONLY existing regulation (the Dublin Agreement) by the EU for migration and "non-functional". 

Then her next comment was: "According to the theory, no migrant or refugee should ever arrive in Germany.  But that does not correspond to reality."  Then she said over this idea of creating a fair distribution system (together).

If you go back to 1990....the Dublin Agreement was written out and roughly seven years later came into implementation.

It basically says.....where you land or enter, is the ONLY place where you can declare for asylum, or demand refugee status.  You can go and cherry-pick.  If you were to enter, sign papers in X-country....then go and travel to Y-country to demand asylum there?  Illegal, and they can dump you from Y-country.

The odds of getting this EU thing fixed?  Zero.

I say that because a minimum of four countries will refuse to participate, and another dozen will not hand out the kind of money that Germany gives migrants that they accept.

Adding to this 'fury' is the possibility that asylum will work itself into the EU election campaign of 2019 (June).  You might find a third of all seats occupied by far-right opposition people..

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