Saturday, August 4, 2018

How to Recognize a Facist

For the past year, Fascism....oddly enough....has been on my mind.  Over the years, I've spent a fair amount looking at Nazi Fascism, and come to realize that modern Fascism doesn't really compare to 1930s Fascism.  So I've written my factors on how to recognize this modern-day version of Fascism:

1.  Disdain for tolerance.  There's never a two-way street.  If you try to engage in conversation or debate....there can only be one central theme at the end.

2.  Capitalism is an 'evil'.  Nazi Fascists would never have said that, but in modern day's a trendy way to label the movement.

3.  Elections are a driving factor of Fascism, and it needs to end a certain way.  Scripted elections?  Well....yeah.  The ability to accept the end-results of an election?  That doesn't seem to be something that true Fascists can handle.

4.  Lack of knowledge.  I've sat and watched numerous interviews of people who labeled themselves as the anti-Fascists....but the more they jabber away or chat....the more they seemed to be pro-Fascists, and fairly stupid over their topics.  It's not just economics and history, a whole list of subjects that they seemed to have drifted through in school and never had a grasp for.

5.  The government is the solution.  In just about every single debate that you see where a Fascist-minded guy is talking....he wants the government to fix 'A', 'B' and 'C'.  If there is unfairness....only the government can fix it.  If there is corruption, only the government can resolve it.  If there is unemployment, only the government can take actions to correct the problem.

6.  The media is always deemed a tool.  Fascists cite the media....they quote it....they talk about it as a 'true person', and they hype the absolute 'truth' nature over and over.

7.  Any agency or part of the government in the 'protective' condemned.  Yes, this is the total opposite of the 1930s Fascism.   In this branding....police groups, ICE, the US military, the FBI, etc.....are all 'evils' of society.

8.  Unifying causes are a daily thing.  Basically, you end up with a drill that consumes each day where some Fascist has the latest event to get upset by and to unify the passions of the 'gang'.  Thankfully, we have social media and can pass these emergencies around and hype them in various communities. 

9.  A lot of the evils facing Fascists are sexual in some nature.  If you drew up a list of the top hundred 'angry-topics' of Fascism this least thirty of these would revolve around some element of sex.

10.  Fascists seem to have every weekend totally free.  Either they are single or devoid of an ongoing relationship, or simply don't have a family to connect with.   

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