Sunday, November 18, 2018

Deportation News

Germans currently have some expectations of 'control' being established over 'problem-immigrants' (those with criminal behavior and failed visa-applications).  ARD (the public TV network, Channel One) talked over some changes being suggested by the Interior Ministry today.

The big suggestion?  Well....if you get on some 'problem-list'....they re talking about a registration process where you have to call and note your location, between midnight and six in the morning....if you aren't at home.  If you failed on this obligation?'d just go to some control-situation (meaning a prison).

Another idea being discussed is no-name airline tickets, which the government would hold.  If deportee number one cannot be found....they'd move down on the list and pick up deportee number two....delivering him to the airport, and the ticket goes to him. 

This entire deportation 'game' has become a complicated issue.  First, you have to ensure the guy has entry papers or a passport from the home-country.  A lot of countries would prefer not to get their people back. 

Then you come to the issue of health problems, and the various German medical folks who attempt to get in the process and delay the deportation. 

Then you come to the appeals process where some legal paperwork has been filed and suggests that the visa-disapproval was unfair. 

Then you have individuals who simply 'disappear'....attempting to show up in some other European country and pretend that they just arrived, and hand over a fake passport to restart the process again.

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