Friday, November 16, 2018


Every year in Germany, there is a contest where teachers, administrators and counselors come to announce the 'youth-word-of-the-year'.  It tends to be some creative phrase that kids just start using in social media and people wake up to realize that it's gone national.

So this year? "Ehrenmann".

What's it really mean?  Well....."honorary wife",  You'd use it in a German youth group to note someone who has done something really great or special for you (like making you cupcakes, or doing your homework for you).

Two other phrases came up during the ranking? 

"Leeks", which tends to be jerks.

Another one...."verbuggt", which means you wrote something or produced something, and it's loaded with problems or mistakes.

How do these phrase come to be created?  Some German kid is just sitting there and something happens....then he just says something off the top of his head.  It gets passed media takes it from school to school, and everybody knows the word in less than a year.

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