Monday, November 19, 2018

Garbage Driver Story

This got brought up via our local Hessen news today.....job openings with the Frankfurt garbage department.  It came with this odd angle.....they have problems in finding cooperative people who are willing to show up each day, and be on time.  Garbage service isn't exactly the kind of job that most Germans want.

So....they are looking at hiring immigrants.  HR, the Hessen region network tells much of the story.

The story they lay out is about this Iraqi guy....late 30s....with his family here, and a university background (economics).  He's having trouble apparently getting recognition for the degree, but finding the unemployment folks willing to help him get into waste services. 

The deal?  The pick-up guy gets 2,500 Euro ($3k in dollars) a month.  If he goes and studies up for the driver'll bump up to 3,000 Euro a month ($3.6 in dollars).

A step down for the guy?  Well...yeah, but this is the problem in resettling into Germany and hoping for some kind of recognition for nursing, doctors, or educational related positions. 

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