Monday, November 19, 2018

The Veteran Story

It came out via the German news (Focus news magazine) this weekend that the German authorities have finally come to agree on the term 'veteran' and what it means.

I's a bit amusing but this is Germany, and you need to accept this long drawn out argument.

This meeting of.....the German Federal Ministry of Defense, the Bundeswehr (German Army) Association and the Reservists Association occurred.  They came to a mutual agreement finally.

A veteran will be noted as a active soldier or one who served in the German Army and was honorably  dismissed.

The years in service factor?  Dumped.  Your function?  Dumped.

It's a curious footnote here.....roughly ten million Germans today (from the old East German and West German days).....have military service time and would be referred to as a veteran. 

A big deal coming to this recognized point?  I think the wording has been argued about for years, and particular groups were always labeled in poor manner. 

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