Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Does Curfew Really Work in Terms of Covid-19?

 You can ask a hundred Germans (off the street) and most will just say it makes life a bit more miserable, but the majority accept it.  If you asked journalists and politicians....they are probably 70-percent in favor of curfew.  If you listen to the virus experts or doctors....they are probably 99-percent of curfew.

While in the winter period....curfew, I think....was easy to sell to folks.  Once winter-like weather went away, and day-time temperatures went to 18 C (64 degrees F)....the sales-job diminished a good bit.  

Science to prove Covid curfews work?  There simply isn't a statistic or data collection which generally makes the curfew gimmick factual.  

A number of young Turkish guys in Frankfurt will gleefully tell you they haven't obeyed the curfew rules....ever.  

Some hard drinking German guys will tell you this period has been the miserable period of their life, and they've only been able to drink in their house or garden-house....mostly alone while watching TV.  

The fact that bars and pubs are mostly all closed?  This shifted Germans to a new tactic....getting their beer or booze and just hanging out on some street, or in a city park....with their drinking buddies.  I think to a great extent (Frankfurt is a good example)....people did outdoor partying for the majority of the winter period when curfew was in session.  It's not the effect that the authorities wanted, but it's the only answer for the problem.  

The fact that curfew is still highly pumped-up to the public?  I don't think the journalists, politicians, or virus experts have been out on city streets to observe the private drinking parties going on, and the lack of observation by a large segment of society.  

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