Thursday, March 18, 2021

Frankfurt Story

 About a kilometer NE of the Frankfurt train-station, you are in what I'd call the 'heart' of Frankfurt, and in the mid-town area.  

I'd describe it as a shopping district....mostly with limited growth in terms of apartments and residents.

I noticed this week....a lot of chatter going on about a high-rise development going on near the Goetheplatz area.  This is the district where you'd find the Gucci and Louis Vuitton shops....a number of banking/investment institutions, and within walking distance of the Hauptwache.....the main area for the Christmas market.  

The jest of this high-rise deal?  Four separate buildings....the shortest being 100 meters tall....the tallest being 230 meters tall.  It's mostly a condo development.  

The basic idea is to attract a new lifestyle and new dynamics to the mid-town area.  I sat and looked over the whole description.  What they generally missed describing?  Pricing for this condo situations.  Some of the reserved space is for business-related situations, but you get the impression....more than half the space is for residents.

Likely range?  I'd take a guess that a 100 square meter area would run a minimum of a million Euro.

A trend toward the 'Manhattanization'?  Some Germans would laugh, but Frankfurt has been working on this image ever since the 1960s.  

If you take into account the development of property south of the river, the airport structure, the subway system, and growth around the northern sector of the city....the city has become a mini-version of Manhattan.  

As for the speed of this project?  They are already suggesting that the first apartments will be ready for occupancy by the end of 2024.  

The beginning of more such projects?  I would make a humble guess that three or four additional projects like this....high-rise and expensive apartments will be on the planning boards by 2026.  

If someone had left the Frankfurt area in 2024, I don't think they'd recognize the city.  

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