Thursday, December 19, 2024

Political Chatter

 It appears from ARD/ZDF and RTL TV....several debate 'forms' are going to exist for the election:

CDU-CSU versus SPD (2)

BSW versus FDP

So far, the Greens versus AfD is NOT going to occur, with Habeck demanding to be at the table with the CDU-CSU/SPD folks.

Chief question?  Would the ARD/ZDF folks run a hour-long debate with just the AfD, and repeat this with the Greens....alone?

Smaller parties in Germany this week.....tried to present a case to the Constitutional Court....over getting petitions get on the ballot.  They wanted more time, and the court said no.  What happens if there are only 10 total parties (instead of the typical 40 parties)?  Roughly 3-million votes in the mix which typically would NOT go to the 'big-boys'.

One odd campaign promise list from the AfD: Nuke power promised to come back.  Coal power given a reprieve. Hard-line on refugees.  Promise to return to the D-Mark (dumping the Euro).   

If you polled Germans on returning to the D-Mark?  It's probably 50-percent of the people over the age of 60 who would get hyped-up about this idea.  Much less so with Germans under the age of forty. AfD is the ONLY party discussing this idea.

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