Saturday, December 21, 2024

This Story Over the Terrorist Attack Guy?

 Well....yeah, it's a bit stretched-out.

This guy was accepted into Germany in 2006, and lead a odd life.  Mental-health criminal behavior.  He was anti-Islam, and a general supporter of the AfD Party.

So, he had this passionate hobby....he helped other disgruntled Saudis leave, and enter Germany....especially females.

This got noticed by the Saudi government and they eventually wrote charges.

The Saudis pressed on getting him brought back to Saudi Arabia....with the Germans mostly declining this, and eventually saying it was a human rights things.

In the past year...the Saudis went up a notch....saying he was a 'threat'  (meaning he'd gotten into radical Islam in some way).  This warning to Germany?  Taken but not reacted upon.

None of this attack making sense?  I suspect the police will be shaking their heads because nothing over the 18 years suggests him being a threat.  


Wilco said...

When I was in college I knew some pre Psych fellow students and I always felt the reason they wanted to be a psychiatrist is to figure out why they were so screwed up!
Usually pretty odd ducks.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I tend to agree, but some other aspects came up I updated the story with another blog. This guy....under a huge threat of rape charges in Saudi Arabia (minimum of flogging threat)...went through an intense amount of lying and covering up. All that anti-Islamic chatter that he BS. For 17 years....the German system was used/abused.