Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A Walk and Observations

 I spent around ninety minutes in Mainz and sixty minutes in the Wiesbaden shopping 'zone' today.  

Briefly....both areas are pretty 'dead'.  

Most shops are shut down.  Restaurants that are open....are there for phone orders and you knock at the door to pick it up.  Bakeries are open.  Hair-cutting operations...completely shut down.  

If you stood there to assess's about 10-percent of what you'd consider normal.  

Looking in Mainz for a tobacco/lotto shop?  Don't go expecting much to be open.  In Wiesbaden, they were....but it's that state-by-state thing that I often refer to.

McDonalds is open but where you'd expect a dozen people in the line....I was the only customer there....for a coffee.  

Bars, pubs and loungers.....shutdown now for 75 days.  There's one particular new one in the Wiesbaden shopping district that just open at the end of August.  I doubt if that guy got more than sixty days of operations because the virus ban deal took him down.  

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