Saturday, September 18, 2021

E-Scooters and Accidents

 N-TV did a report today and talked over the trend of E-Scooters and accidents.

It's odd thing that has been introduced in almost all German cities over the past five years.  You walk to a corner of the train station, and here are forty-odd E-Scooters standing there and waiting for customers to 'log-on'.  You go to a shopping district....there might be 200 of the E-Scooters around the various corners of the district.

So N-TV pointed out this fact....there's just a fair number of accidents that occur now....with people drunk or slightly-drunk....attempting to ride an E-Scooter. 

A few weekends ago....Friday evening (early), I noted two young guys riding on such a scooter in the city....who'd obviously had a drink or two....speeding at a minimum of 30 kph. 

Age limit on the E-Scooters?  Well....the government says age fourteen minimum.  A few weeks the city, they had some kid (12 years old) who crashed into a pole (yeah, he needed some medical attention).  How he got an account?  Anyone's guess.  Is this a big problem?  I'd take a guess if you stand around Wiesbaden....probably 10-percent of the riders are juveniles under age fourteen (yes, even young girls).

Eventually going to trigger some massive rule/law change?  The day will come where some kid runs over some grandma.....accidentally killing the old gal, and all political heck will break loose on new rules.  

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