Thursday, September 30, 2021

What Tempo-30 Really Means?

 I spent most of the afternoon in Mainz, which is one of those cities which flipped over about a year ago to 30 kilometers per hour (18.5 mph) in the inner-city.  On the outer ring of the still allows 50 kph (31 mph).  This was done for particle issues, and safety (at least they say that).

So the general effect of tempo-30?

1.  Traffic moves at what you'd consider bicycle-speed....meaning ever bike-riders, E-scooter riders, and mini-scooters are moving with your same speed.

2.  This also means that you may not see the kid on your right.....which is coming up behind you and attempting to pass you on the right.  Yes, it's highly dangerous.

3.  You now realize that pedestrians are not that fearful in crossing the street, and don't fear getting to the halfway point....waiting for the oncoming car to pass.  Yes, that's fairly dangerous as well.

4.  More bike-riders than previously?  I'd argue that probably has occurred.

Why the movement to Tempo-30 or no car zones in German cities?  You can go back several years ago to what they did in London....making most of the inner-city non-car-friendly.  That got people in Germany to thinking about no car zones, and how you'd accomplish this.

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