Thursday, September 16, 2021

The 'War' Story

 Earlier in the week, my wife brought up this topic from Handelsblatt (the German version of the Wall Street Journal).

So the story goes this way....they put a couple of folks onto a research project...looking at Covid, government revenue income, profits of companies, and economic trends.

They say in pretty blunt language.....everything in Germany is now relative to a full scale war, in terms of financial chaos and 'damage' done to society.

I can walk around various areas of Frankfurt, Mainz or Wiesbaden, and point out various business fronts which are now fully closed ('for sale' or 'for rent' signs in the windows).  

Most all pub/bar owners just shake their head....they are marginally hanging on and hoping that a shutdown/curfew does not occur here in this fall.  

Improving signs? can assess passengers at Frankfurt's airport and suggest that things are significantly better than in September of 2020.  

But in simple terms....the damage has been done.  

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