Saturday, September 4, 2021

New Germany Problem

 Late yesterday, via various news sources in came out that around twenty of these Afghan folks who got the evac 'green-light'....were past 'bad-boys' (meaning they held German police records, which led to deportation back to Afghanistan).  Rapists among the group?  Probably.

What happens now?  Unknown.

The Interior Minister (Seehofer) made the statement and then left commentary to a minimum.  

To bring this up prior to an election?  Pretty crappy situation for the Merkel coalition and neither the CDU or SPD benefits from this announcement. 

My humble guess is that this group of twenty will be herded into a confined situation and left for the new coalition (after the election....probably even to late November) to decide an outcome.  Odds of going back to Afghanistan?  I'd say near zero.

If you wanted to go the humane way....I'd put the group through a six-month long controlled environment....detox them out of booze and drugs, and 'force' them into integration situations....with forty sandbags per day to fill.  At the end of this....either they get on the right path, or you start a new type of prison....holding them forever because they can't control themselves.  

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