Friday, September 10, 2021

The Purification Folks

 I was reading a piece this morning....talking about a ceremony in Ontario, Canada (the other side of the world, for me).  So this was called a 'flame purification' ceremony.  

What's it supposed to achieve?  You take all the bad words....bad pictures...bad drawings...bad poems...bad books....bad jokes....bad whatever, and throw them into a pit.  No, you don't pour gas or lighter fluid on just light it up, and then stand there with a solemn look on your face.

The reporters don't really give you that great of an image.  There's no special Cher song waving of sheets or shaman or Nazi chants.  Nothing.

At the conclusion, when the fire has exhausted stir the ashes and plant some tree.

Now, when I read this piece....I was thinking...'book-burning'.  You know...the 1930s Nazi-stuff.

But no, these people from the SW district of Ontario wanted folks to know....this was a real 'pure' book-burning stuff.

As I read on....with the words of Radio Canada telling the story....they wanted to reassure me that while the original plan was to burn 4,700 books....something changed their mind and they just burned a couple of items to get 'pure'.

The fact that TinTin books were among the burned? their mind, TinTin, his stupid dog Snowy, the diabolical Professor Calculus, the sinister Captain Haddock, and Thompson are all evil characters (almost fascists in nature).  Personally, I always thought that TinTin kid needed more discipline in his life....real structure....hearty work to build characters.  This adventure stuff was a total waste of time.  

I sat and thought about purification for a while.  Some of us would view purification as something that you sip through several bottles of wine and eat carrots daily for a get a detox feeling or some healthy purification.

In the military, you'd find people who needed purification and give them a dump-truck load of sand, and 500 sandbags to get them really purified.

On the farm, you'd find folks who needed purification and let them haul 500 bales of hay on a hot July get them feeling purified.

I've worked with people who found certain drugs that could release themselves from reality for day or two....getting to some level of feeling purified.  

So I just look at the book-burners, and feel like they'd have to burn a book or two each get the purification feeling to 'stick'.

1 comment:

Claudio said...

Yeah this is going rampant now, is OK to burn catholic churches, change the street names some quite long over 30 km - Dundas Street change University Names - Ryerson , now they burn books and implement a new Federal Holiday in the name if “Reconciliation” Ontario did not approve this new invented woke day off… other 4 provinces approved it. British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nova Scotia. Things are going so woke here you cannot believe, we had to change the email signatures so it will not be reflective if the gender… has to be “Gender Neutral” i can only hope this Prime Minister will be voted out on September 20’th so this madness would end