Sunday, September 5, 2021

Taliban Chatter Over Germany

 Focus wrote up an update today....with commentary from the Taliban out of Afghanistan, and for a typical average's a bit too much to swallow.

The Taliban says all the bad relations with Germany are over.  They'd like to start a new path....a new relationship....and new economic trends.

The blunt truth?  The Taliban see some past history with the Germans.....going back to around a hundred years ago....when the 'good' Germans arrived and brought technology, education and commerce into Afghanistan.

Then the Taliban says....the Germans screwed up twenty years ago....getting associated with the Americans, but now...."all is forgiven".

So what you see here....there's going to be some talks between the German Foreign Ministry and the Taliban (my humble belief).  The Germans will ask that women's rights be respected....the Taliban will respond that this is their situation (suggesting that they not drag this topic up).  Economic assistance and commerce?  It'll be the chief topic.

The idea of allowing Afghans to exit the country?  It might be brought up but I think the Taliban have realized that you can't run a country with half the population working on some exit strategy.

By the end of 2021....working-class Germans will wake up to realize that some working relationship between Germany and the Taliban now exists, and some amount of money (minimum of half-a-billion Euro a year) is being shipped into the country for health and education projects. 

The Taliban being the 'bad-boys'?  That label will cease to least by the pronouncement of the public TV news journalists.

Some Germans will shake their head in disbelief....some will simply be confused how things flip-flop around in the world.

Some German will eventually work up some propaganda-type piece where the Taliban efforts are 'wonderful' and worthily of some Nobel Peace Prize.  

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