Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Early Occupation

 It's an interesting story which rarely gets told.

When WW I ceased (mid-November 1918)....the war wasn't really over, and things more or less went into a occupation status.

This occupation by British, French and American troops?  It went onto June of 1930.....oddly as they exited....within three months....the 1930 national election was called, and Hitler's Nazi Party came in 2nd place (18-percent of the vote). 

What was occupied?  The western side of the to bottom.  

When the eventual treaty was wrapped up....there was a written clause which said a occupation would go for 15 years (meaning they weren't supposed to leave until 1934).

What drove the occupation?  Mostly to prevent German forces from invasion theatrics, and pushing Germany into a reparations situation.

The Americans in this period?  In early 1919.....the force was at 250,000 and the headquarters for the American presence was in Koblenz (using the old Fortress).  This force would be called the AFG (American Forces in Germany).  Strength?  20,000.

In early 1923, the US passed legislation to leave.  

The French and British stayed on.

One can ask the question....if they'd stayed until 1934....would it have changed the Hitler dynamics, but it's guesswork situation.

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