Saturday, June 3, 2023

This Newest German Scandal?

 Well....a couple of retired German Air Force officers were running a pilot training program in the Seychelles....maybe for two decades (maybe longer). came out that various Chinese pilots had been there and were getting training.

Defense Minister (Pistorius) says there has to be an investigation.

Beyond that?  Nothing.

They apparently didn't have military-style fighter jets, and it does appear this was a passenger/cargo plane type training scheme.

A law against this? one cites much of anything.

I was in New Zealand back five years ago....buying a 'fly-around' for my wife at some airport, and the company ran a training program.  On this afternoon, there must have been a dozen Chinese guys getting training.  I suspect if you asked around....there's probably twenty countries where training programs involve Chinese pilots (for passenger planes).'s a full-up scandal, for now.

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