Friday, June 23, 2023

German Public TV Reform?

 Yesterday came this odd announcement from ARD (public German TV, Channel One) on reform.

Starting in 2024....three competency 'centers' will be formed up, and all content/programs on three key topics....for all of public TV....will come from these centers.  The three initial topics?  Climate change, consumers, and health.

As time goes on....more 'centers' will be added.  So if you were to view ARD or ZDF, or any of the sub-networks....if the topic of health came up....there's one single creator of the information.  Same for consumer info.  Same for climate change.

Yeah, I sat and kinda questioned this, and how you'd get one single funnel of information....without any debate.

Down the line in five years, I'll predict that even the management folks will agree that this single competency unit has problems attached, and that leadership gets changed out every year or so.  

Each at a different location?  Well...they were careful to avoid this discussion.  I'm guessing each these competence centers will be dished out to some major studio.  

Radio to go this way as well?  They got into this discussion and suggested that 'radio play' would be structured as well.  I'm guessing by the words....the day where Hessen or Bavaria had a unique public news or music selection....will probably go away, and some national trend centralized 'brand' will occur.

On this topic....I had a favorite FM network....HR3 (Hessen).  For the over was probably the best music selection of any network in Germany.  

Why all this reform chatter?  Well....there's a lot of pressure building up over no more increases in the monthly TV-media tax. They are convinced that people would accept this reform, and not push them much further.  

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