Thursday, June 22, 2023

Three Observations

 1.  Turkey's central bank went from 6.5-percent 15-percent interest.  I'll just note that inflation in Turkey is running 40-percent at present, and they figure this rate change will help.

2.  There was an interesting statement made by the AfD Party 'boss' (Weidel).....that this chatter by Merz (the CDU 'boss') that they would never partner-up....Weidel says Merz can't prevent such a coalition from occurring.

I sat and pondered the statement.  

In the fall of 2024, Thuringia will hold a state election.  Presently, with polling, AfD will likely win the election (they pull 30-percent).  They would come to the CDU to partner up, and one would imagine 'no' being the outcome.

But lets say that a number of people join the CDU Party within Thuringia, and members of the party (say a lot of new members) change the dynamic, and vote that a coalition partnership can now exist.

Merz and the national CDU can't do much or say a lot....without attracting massive attention.

Weidel has a point, and it's just curious if new members are appearing within the CDU there in Thuringia.

3.  This odd slavery case in a Koblenz court?

Yesterday wrapped up a slavery case involving a woman who'd gone and joined ISIS, and had a Yazidi-woman kept as a 'slave' for three years.  

Part of the story revolved around the husband of the woman holding the slave....that he was regularly raping and beating the 22-year-old slave.

The court sentenced the woman to nine years in prison. 

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